Do shopping and save money
As a general rule of thumb, try and do as much of your shopping online as possible. You’ll get better prices in general and you won’t have to pay for fuel and parking in order to get to the mall.Compare prices. There are so many online shopping comparison sites, so if you aren’t in a hurry why not browse them for a while and get the best deal you can. You know it makes sense.You want a CD with that? Don’t bother with albums, download your music. Legally from iTunes or BT.Same goes for movies, music videos and books. If it’s content, buy (or download) it online.Don’t be fooled by the marketing prowess of the supermarket. They know you are there to buy food and other stuff, so they’ll market and pitch more expensive products to you all the way to the checkout. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get out of the store with as much stuff as possible while spending the least amount of money. The easiest way to do this is to avoid brands, keep your eyes down and go for the stuff in boring packaging. It’ll cost less.Did you buy something that you haven’t even opened yet? Or did you get a gift that you don’t need. Sell it to a friend or stick it on eBay. Whatever you do, don’t hold onto it. Get the equity out of your junk!If you have to go out and shop, do it at night. You’ll find that stores will mark down perishable products as they near closing time because they need to get rid of the stuff. Take advantage of this and save money on everything from bread to meat.Draw up a list of what you need, then stick to it. If you don’t know what you need, you will overspend.Would you like an extended guarantee with your purchase sir? Let me think. No! These plans are easy money for retailers, avoid them like the plague. Unless you have splashed out on a new 42&Prime LCD screen, give it a miss.Get more information
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