Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Choosing Value Stocks and growth stocks

Is Infosys Technologies a value stock or a growth stock? This specific question reveals a broader dilemma that seasoned investors face today when the market is moving up rapidly.

Query Bharat Shah who manages more than Rs 2,500 crore at ASK Raymond James and he will most probably tell you that the company is a value stock. Based on FY08 earnings the stock is traded at a price to multiple of 25 times which is lower than the expected growth rate 30% in future.

In a way he is saying that the intrinsic value of Infosys is far higher than the present market price that the company commands and this makes it a value stock.

Bharat Shah has always followed the margin of safety rule, which is basically the discount of the market price to the intrinsic value of the company. More than a decade ago, he had approached Infosys based on the concepts of value investing and he is reaping rewards for the same.

The same goes for investors, who invested in Hindustan Lever twenty years ago and have seen the price appreciate ever after. Value investors typically invest for a longer time and go for companies that are brands in themselves and avoid commodity-related stocks as the latter are not easy to distinguish and thus uncompetitive in nature.

Value investors are obsessed in understanding intrinsic values of companies by discounting future cash flows to their present values. This strategy, feels Bharat Shah, is very classical and will work in any market at any given point in time.

Parag Parikh, chairman of Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services, also follows the rules of value investing but does not like to get into a debate of investing in value and growth stocks. Says he, “I believe that all growth stocks eventually become value stocks. Value and growth are names given by analysts who do not want to work hard on finding discounted cash flow models. They prefer to use P/E multiples, which are heuristics or shortcuts, to justify valuations in any which way.”

There might just be a possibility that India had never offered value investment opportunities to investors. Investors invested in companies that were offering lower price to book values or higher dividend yield. These happen to be basically value investment tools in highly inefficient markets. There is just a possibility that these investors ended up buying growth stocks that were showing all characteristics of a value stock.

So, how does it matter if one has picked up a growth stock thinking that it was a value stock as long as one makes money? It is not about returns or making money. It is more about risks. Buying a growth stock by using value parameters simply means that we attach a lower risk to the investment and expect a higher return at the same time.

A value stock always has a lower risk attached. These are stocks of companies which have normally operated for years together in matured markets or industries. That is probably the reason Warren Buffet, the father of value investing would never touch a technology stock.

These were stocks that could grow at very high rates but were risky as they were not operating in mature markets and had never stood the test of time. Most agree that there are no mathematical rules to classify what really is a growth or value stock. But the fact also remains that growth stocks are risky in relation to value stocks.

Also growth stocks offer low dividend yields, involve high capital outlays and operate in immature market that has not absorbed the product or technology. They might be the biggest brands and can even offer lower P/Es based on forward earnings, but it will be some time till you call them value.

If they survive and become market leaders where the product is completely absorbed, they eventually become value. But till that time, these stocks are growth stocks. Sanjiv Shah, executive director of Benchmark asset management company, feels that with the Indian economy growing around 8% annually, the entire index itself has to be valued on growth parameters.

This basically means not to use the methodology that one uses to look for value stocks. Says he,”Value investing and Warren Buffet will work in the US as the markets are mature. DCF methods can work in these markets in India it is difficult as technology changes and growing markets become a moving target for analysts to chase.”

Maybe that is the reason why analysts mostly miscalculate earnings for growth companies. Analysts have always underpriced the earnings of companies like Infosys Technologies as they have tried to calculate the intrinsic value of the company using discounted cash flow method. Infosys is a growth stock and these methods are more likely to go wrong than right.

One of the main reasons why investors confuse between growth and value is the fact that analysts fall for mental heuristics. They take the shortcut of using methods they understand than understanding the industry and where a particular company stands on the growth path. This is a typical fallacy that people in behaviorial finance love to talk about.

Coming back to Infosys Technologies, the company enjoys a lower risk premium than most of its peers. The company has a risk premium of 6.3% which is lower than the risk premium of State Bank of India at 6.93% and HLL at 6.28%. Risk premiums basically tell us how much investors are ready to pay for a stock beyond the risk-free rate of return.

Value stocks will have lower risk premiums as compared to growth stocks. Ideally, one would expect HLL to be a value stock going forward as the company is operating in a mature market and has a strong brand presence. But Infosys as a brand is enjoying a higher brand presence. It is more of a service company and the risks attached to a technology company are not attached to this company. This is one company that has blurred the lines between value and growth investment.

To an extent, Bharat Shah could be right about Infosys Technologies. Simply based on the premium that the market is giving this stock, one can say that it is a growth stock that has a lot of value attached to it. Still predictions based on the intrinsic value for the stock will continue to go wrong till the stock actually achieves its value status.


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