Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The real risk of equity investments

 One of the sacred cows of modern day investing is the idea of buying, and holding, and holding! Younger investors for example, are advised to invest aggressively in equities and then hold for the next 20, or 30 years. The thinking behind this is that such investors have more time over their lifetimes to recover from dips in the market. In other words, given enough time, good returns will eventually overpower bad returns. Does this always have to be true?

The answer, actually, depends on what you mean by risk. It is, for example, true that the possibility of suffering a loss on your investments actually decreases with time. In this sense, risk does indeed decrease with time. On the other hand, time also increases the possibility that you could be exposed to truly horrendous turns in the market. In the long run, you would be exposed to more outcomes which could wipe out your entire investment corpus. In this sense, risk actually increases with time.

Examining daily returns on the Bombay Stock Exchange since 1997, we see that returns have averaged about 11.5% a year, with a standard deviation of 25.6%. The standard deviation is a measure of how much your return could vary from the mean return.

So, if on average you expected to get back Rs 111.5 for every Rs 100 you invested in the stock market in a year, because the standard deviation is as high as 25.6%, your returns could vary in two out of every three times between Rs 87 and Rs 137. This is a wide of range of values, and hence the risk.

Taken to its extreme, this would also seem to imply that once in every 40 years, your portfolio could lose more than 39% of its value in a year.

To make all this a little more concrete, we used a kind of data experiment called a Monte Carlo simulation to visualise a range of possible investment outcomes over the next 20 years. It is of course highly hubristic to assume that we can put accurate numbers on what may happen in the future. However, a Monte Carlo simulation is probably one of the more modest ways of doing so, since all it does is generate thousands of new ways that previous experiences can be combined. 

 In any case, this is designed to merely give you a flavour of what might be, rather than a forecast of the future. The heroic assumption in this exercise, and indeed in all of investment analysis, is the idea that the future will more or less look like the past. Having done so however , it is then possible to make some probabilistic statements about relative outcomes from investing in various asset classes.

For example, we can compare these outcomes to the result of investing money in a bank fixed deposit at 9 per cent per annum. Based on these numbers, our simulations indicate that there would be roughly a 40% probability that our investments would be worth less than the bank deposits in 5 years, but only a 29% probability that the stock investments would be worth less than the bank deposit in twenty years. In other words, the risk of our stock investments doing worse than our bank deposit is actually lower as more time passes. Risk in this sense, clearly does decline with the passage of time.

On the other hand, we could look at the worst 5% of the stock market outcomes in both time periods. Over a fiveyear period, at least 5% of the time, you could end up with less than 45% of what your bank deposit would be worth at the time. Over a 20-year period however, at least 5% of the time, you could expect stock market losses to be so large that you could end up with less than 25% of the money you could have had investing in a bank deposit instead.

You would see qualitatively similar results for the worst 10 or 15% of outcomes at the two time periods. In other words, you would see more of the really bad outcomes, where the bulk of your money gets wiped out, when you stay invested in the market over a longer period . Clearly, risk in this sense actually increases with time.

So is there any way in which time unambiguously diversifies risk? There is actually, but this relies on a slightly different logic. Younger people have a longer supply of human capital, which serves to diversify risk. Put slightly less elegantly , the younger the age at which you start investing, the better the chances that you can slog really hard to offset possible losses in the stock market!

However this is not meant to argue that long-term investments are not worth their price. We only mean to point out that the tradeoff between long term returns and risk does not mysteriously become as one sided as many advisors would have you believe.

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