Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Study US: Where to buy health insurance?

Most colleges accept medical insurance from India. However, it is always better to check with the international office in your university about this. Also, I would recommend that you buy insurance in US itself as it's easy to use it when needed. Most insurance costs roughly around $200-$300 per semester. Also, universities have their own minimum standards for the insurance you buy -- like minimum coverage of $100,000, 80% or more coverage and so on. So my recommendation is that you buy medical insurance in US.

It is always safe to carry medical insurance for 15 to 30 days. It won't cost more than Rs 2,000. It is crucial for the first few days till you get enrolled in your university health insurance scheme.

It is better to get medical insurance in the US. Usually, your university would have a tie-up with an insurance company and they offer medical insurance at subsidised rates. This would be the best way to get medical insurance.

If you buy medical insurance from India, it would be difficult to actually use it. The insurance company in India may or may not have coverage (doctor network) in the city in which your university is located.

Alternately, if you go with university-affiliated medical insurance, that would be easily accepted in the university health centre and other local health providers. This will give you instant access to the care you need when you need it utmost.

So, it is NOT advised to buy medical insurance from India.

If you feel you will need medical insurance while you are travelling (from India to US), and for the initial days of your residence in US (before your university affiliated insurance programme starts), then buy transit medical insurance. This would cover you for a week or two. That should be sufficient.

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